7 things you should know before getting LASIK surgery

VISION CARE It’s the start of a new year and a new decade, and 2020 is the perfect year for you to seek vision correction. If you have nearsightedness, farsightedness or astigmatism and have thought about LASIK eye surgery but don’t know much about the procedure, here are seven things you should know:

LASIK is the most common method for permanent vision correction. It involves creating a flap and using an excimer laser to reshape the cornea.

The best candidates for LASIK are in good health and between the ages of 20 and 55. Ideal patients also have corneas of normal thickness and curvature, and do not have keratoconus or another corneal pathology. A free one-hour consultation at the Eye & LASIK Center is the only way to know if you are a candidate for LASIK.

Most people can resume normal activities shortly after the procedure. You will need someone to drive you home after surgery, but you’ll find you can return to driving, working and exercising the next day. Most patients will notice a dramatic improvement in their vision in the first few days after surgery.

LASIK surgery doesn’t hurt. Eye drops are used to numb the eyes for the procedure, and patients report little to no discomfort during or after surgery.

Surgery only takes a few minutes. But you can expect to be in the doctor’s office for about two hours.

You’ll see as well as or better than you did with glasses or contacts. The Eye & LASIK Center will provide you with our actual results with other patients who have the same prescription as you so you know your likelihood of achieving 20/20 vision and can make an informed decision.

If you have irregularities on the surface of your corneas or have corneas that are too thin to be considered for LASIK surgery, there is another option. Advanced Surface Ablation (ASA) consists of using an excimer laser to treat the surface of the cornea rather than underneath a flap as with LASIK. The epithelial cells begin regenerating immediately after surgery and heal completely within three to five days.

If you’re tired of dealing with glasses and contact lenses and are seeking a permanent vision correction solution, call (800) 676-5050 and set up a personal consultation at one of our several locations.


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