Everything You Need to Know About Uveitis

KW Uveitis A diagnosis of uveitis can result in overwhelming stress. However, a better understanding of this condition and the options available for treatment can ease some of your anxiety.

What Is Uveitis? 

Uveitis is a type of eye inflammation characterized by pain, blurred vision, light sensitivity, and redness. This condition typically affects one of the three middle areas of the eye. This can be the choroid, the iris, or the ciliary body.

What Are the Symptoms of Uveitis?

People who have uveitis often experience an array of symptoms. These include:

  • Redness of the eyes
  • Pain in their eyes
  • Blurry vision
  • Sensitivity to light

The symptoms that a person can experience can range in type and severity depending on the type of uveitis that a person has.

What Causes Uveitis?

There are several types of uveitis that a person can be diagnosed with. Different factors cause each different type of uveitis. These can include either a viral, fungal, or bacterial infection. In other cases, patients may have autoimmune disorders or injuries that caused the condition. Some common causes of uveitis include:

  • Tuberculosis or another bacterial infection
  • Toxoplasmosis or another type of parasitic infection
  • Herpes Zoster, Herpes Simplex, or another type of viral infection
  • Lupus
  • Colitis

There are also instances where patients experience an inflammation response due to having a recent infection somewhere in their body. Smoking also increases the likelihood of developing uveitis as it can provoke the eyes’ blood vessels.

What Are the Treatment Options?

After diagnosis, a person can receive one or more treatments to help reduce or eliminate their symptoms. Common treatments for uveitis include:

  • Antibiotic medications for infectious uveitis
  • Dilating eye drops that can reduce pain
  • Dark glasses to decrease light sensitivity
  • Steroid medications to address systemic inflammation
  • Steroid eye drops that can reduce swelling

Considering that uveitis is a condition that can return after treatment, many consider it an incurable disease. It is important to understand that there are several treatment options available that can help you achieve remission of the disease.

Get Uveitis Care Today

If you are experiencing any symptoms or inflammation from uveitis, please contact Longwood Eye & LASIK Center today by calling 800-676-5050 or requesting an appointment online. We will help you get the care that you need.


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