No, you don’t have to go overboard with your eye gear and protection for a quick scrimmage with friends and family on Thanksgiving, but here are some things that you can do to make sure that you don’t’ get an eye-related injury.
Watch The Elbows
One of the most common football-related injuries that we see patients for at our Longwood Eye & LASIK Center office is a good old elbow to the eye injury. Make sure that before you start your scrimmage that you tell everyone to watch their elbows and if you notice that somebody on the opposing team is getting a little too aggressive, call a timeout because nobody wants to take an elbow to the eye on Thanksgiving Day.
Protective Eyewear
If you, your family, and friends tend to get a little carried away, then you may want to invest in a pair of protective goggles so that you don’t get an eye injury. Having that extra bit of protection will save you.
Watch Your Glasses
If you wear eyeglasses, then make sure that you swap them out for contacts during your football game. Contact sports like football are no place for eyeglasses because there’s a way higher risk of them breaking while on the field.
To learn more about how you can take better care of your eyes during your Thanksgiving football game, contact our Winchendon office today at (800) 676-5050.