Ask For An Anti-Anxiety Medicine – If you’re getting ready to undergo LASIK eye surgery and are feeling anxious about the procedure, don’t hesitate to talk to us about prescribing an anti-anxiety medication. As a means to help lower your blood-pressure and help you relax during your procedure, anti-anxiety medicine may be the perfect solution to calm your worried mind.
Avoid Your Contact Lenses – Because contact lenses distort the shape of your cornea, you will be asked not to not wear your contacts and opt for your glasses instead for a few weeks before you undergo Lasik eye surgery. Although this may be challenging and annoying, the outcome of your surgery will be worth it.
Remove Your Eye and Face Makeup – If you wear makeup, make sure that you have fully removed it before your procedure. To be on the safe side, remove all eye and face makeup the night before your procedure, and then remove any excess makeup the day of your surgery. This is really important…because if during the procedure, even tiny bits of makeup fall into your eye, it can cause complications or may even scratch your cornea.
Don’t Drive Yourself Home – Following your surgery, your eyes will need to heal and you will be required to wear some medical “sunglasses” in order to protect your eyes for at least a day or two after your surgery. Because of this, you won’t be able to drive yourself home from the procedure, and will need to arrange for a friend, family member, or Uber to pick you up.
We are LASIK specialists and look forward to meeting you and discussing this amazing, life-changing procedure to you. Call to schedule a consultation, today: (800) 676-5050.