Your entire body changes during pregnancy, and your vision changes, too. If you have been pregnant, you are probably nodding your head as you read this. If you just found out you are pregnant, read on. There are a few things to know about how pregnancy affects your eyes and your eye sight.
How your eyes change during pregnancy
Hormone changes that accompany pregnancy can cause your vision to be blurry. This is because the curvature of your eye lens changes.
If you wear contact lenses, you may also experience discomfort from the shift in the normal fluid levels in your eyes – another hormone-related condition.
While it’s not likely that you will find yourself suddenly needing glasses or contacts, you should know that if you already wear them, your prescription may change.
Waking up with puffy eyelids is common while pregnant. Your eyes may also feel tired, dry, and gritty. Over-the-counter, preservative-free eye drops are effective and safe to use while pregnant. Sleeping with your head elevated may also help.
Headaches and migraines can be common during pregnancy. Always tell your doctor if you experience migraines to be on the safe side.
Take heart…most of these changes are more than likely temporary and will improve or return to normal after you give birth. However, some vision problems may signal other, more serious problems and shouldn’t be ignored. If you see little, black floaters or stars in the third trimester, for example, it could be a sign of preeclampsia – formerly called toxemia – which is marked by high blood pressure in women who have previously not experienced it. Preeclampsia can also cause severe changes in the retina, including hemorrhages and retinal detachment.
Schedule an appointment
Have your eyes examined as early as possible in your pregnancy so you have a baseline for later comparison. Call to schedule an appointment, today, and remember to tell your OBGYN and your eye doctor if you experience any serious changes in your vision or eyes while pregnant: (800) 676-5050.
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