Rinse Them With Water
Okay, so this may sound like a bit of a bizarre tip. However, did you know that rinsing your contact lenses with water on a regular basis can dry them out and not make them last as long? If you need to clean your lenses, the best thing you can do is clean them with your contact solution and soak them overnight.
Touch Them Without Washing Your Hands
You likely know that you should never touch your contact lenses with dirty hands, but you probably do it anyway. As one of the worst things you can do to your eyes, touching your contact lenses with dirty hands can cause dirt, germs, and bacteria to spread all across your eyes— contributing to infections. The next time you go to take your contacts out, make sure that your hands are as clean as possible.
Rub Them Together
Sometimes contact lenses get folded when they are lying in contact lens solution overnight. Even though it may be your first instinct to rub them together to get them unfolded, this could cause them to rip. If you need to get your lenses unfolded, simply take some contact lens solution and squirt it onto your lenses— this should break them apart in no time.
Schedule a Consultation
Taking care of your contact lenses doesn’t have to be difficult. However, there are some things that you may be in the habit of doing that you need to break. If you would like to learn more about your vision health or if you would like to schedule an eye exam, contact Longwood Eye & LASIK Center today!