Being “in the know” is a powerful tool for all areas of your life. Having information about your health, especially, is vital to maintaining your wellness profile and lifestyle goals. Your eyes are vulnerable to many different conditions, especially you age. So, being well informed about your eyes and the conditions that may affect them serves you well.
One of those conditions is Macular Degeneration (AMD), the leading cause of vision loss in adults over the age of 60. If you are dealing with AMD as part of your aging process, you are acutely aware of its affect on your ability to see well, especially at night.
You don’t want to put your vision at additional risk, that’s a given. But did you know that there are lifestyle choices that may help prevent macular degeneration or keep it from progressing? It’s true. Even though there are no cures for macular degeneration, there are lifestyle choices you can make that may help prevent AMD or slow its progression.
Here are 10 lifestyle changes that may also save your eyesight – and keep your body healthy as well:
1. Get regular eye exams. This is the number one, most important change to make in your eye health as you age. If caught early, AMD is easier to monitor and treat.
2. Take a daily nutritional supplement that includes a high dose combination of vitamin E, vitamin C, zinc and beta carotene.
3. Eat fish or take a fish oil supplement daily.
4. If you are a smoker, quit – period. Smoking greatly increases your risk of developing AMD.
5. Eat dark, leafy green vegetables, such as raw spinach every day.
6. Eat fruits and nuts.
7. Exercise regularly, and maintain a healthy weight.
8. Reduce your intake of refined carbohydrates.
9. If you have high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels, manage them with regular exercise and weight control.
10. Always wear sunglasses when you are outdoors – even on cloudy days – and make sure they are designed to block damaging high energy visible “blue” light and UV rays that can damage your retina.
At The Longwood Eye & LASIK Center we are committed to helping you maintain your healthy eyes – at any age. Call and request a consultation to learn more about macular degeneration. (800) 676-5050.