Could Your Contacts Be Causing Your Headaches?

A common complaint of our patients who wear contact lenses is headaches. And while there may be many things contributing to chronic headaches, it is possible that contact lenses may be a cause. If you suffer from chronic headaches, make an appointment to consult with one of our eye doctors or your primary care physician to rule out any serious conditions. But if your vision seems to be causing you headaches and you are a contact lens wearer, there may be reasons why.

  • contact lens in greenfield massachusetts at eye and lasik center If it has been a while since you have had your eyes tested, your prescription may be too strong or too weak – causing unnecessary eye strain.
  • If your contact lenses are not properly fit, chronic dry eye could result. When your eyes are dry, your contact lenses tend to tighten.
  • The inability of the eyes to focus at close range, (presbyopia), begins to affect people in their late thirties and early forties. It can be another reason for headaches among contact lens users. People who have worn contacts for years often develop headaches at the onset of presbyopia. The amount of close work, such as knitting or sitting at a computer, can be affected by presbyopia. Work distance, lighting and font size can play a role as well. If you are in this age range and have had no previous problems with your contacts, you may find relief through reading glasses.
  • Toric contact lenses correct for astigmatism but may not be as effective as glasses. This can also cause eye strain. If you have astigmatism and experience headaches after wearing your lenses for several hours, it may be that your contact lens prescription needs an update.

If contact lenses are no longer correcting your vision comfortably, consider LASIK eye surgery. LASIK is a procedure that corrects your vision by reshaping the cornea. LASIK can correct nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. At the Longwood Eye & LASIK Center, we are experts at LASIK surgery. If you’re interested in learning more about it or have concerns about your vision, call to schedule a consultation appointment with one of our doctors: (800) 676-5050.


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