What Does Blurred Vision Mean?

What Does Blurred Vision Mean? | Eye & LASIK Center You may blur the lines when you’re a teenager, and you’re explaining to your parents why you missed curfew, but as you turn into an adult, the lines stop becoming so blurry and are a lot more transparent; enter adulthood. If, however, you have started to notice that your vision is getting a bit hazy or blurry, then you may be experiencing a vision impairment. Luckily, we at Longwood Eye & LASIK Center can work to correct your vision and help you feel better again. From farsightedness to migraines, this article will list a few causes of blurred vision. Read on to learn more.


People who suffer from farsightedness can see things far away but have difficulty focusing on things close up— like reading a book. Typically, farsightedness occurs as you age but it can also impact individuals who are a bit younger. If you have noticed that your vision gets blurry when you’re trying to focus on seeing things up close, you may have this condition.


As a condition that causes people an inability to see things far away, nearsightedness can make things such as driving seem nearly impossible. If you have started to have difficulty with seeing things such as a sign in the distance, stop lights, or even an object when you are walking around, you may suffer from nearsightedness.


A lot of our patients are unaware that some of their vision problems— flashing lights and blurred vision in particular— may stem from chronic migraines. If you are experiencing symptoms such as dizziness, flashing lights, blurred vision, or even some head pain, then you may be suffering from migraines.

When it comes to farsightedness and nearsightedness, we at Eye and Laser Center can correct them with corrective lenses. However, if you are suffering from chronic migraines that are resulting in blurred vision, you may need to see an expert. To learn more about blurred vision and how we can treat it, contact Eye and Laser Center today!


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